CRM for Government
State and local government and federal agencies can serve citizens and businesses more effectively with Microsoft Dynamics CRM services for government. Your organization can:
- Deliver timely, high-quality service that focuses on citizens’ needs. - Automate processes to improve efficiency and reduce costs. - Use technology to support collaboration and decision making across departments and agencies. - Rapidly deliver e-government, citizen service, and other government applications with the xRM framework
Business Intelligence
With access to real-time information and analysis, government agencies or organizations can use CRM tools to identify trends, evaluate citizen interactions with departments and agencies, and create strategies to enhance service and—at the same time—reduce costs.
- Capture and track data to respond quickly to changing constituent needs and legislative requirements. - Perform critical trend analysis based on real-time information. - Give administrators a real-time graphical view of organizational performance—from their desktops or mobile devices—with the ability to drill deeply into details.
Case Management
Social service agencies and related organizations are faced with growing caseloads and shrinking budgets. Microsoft Dynamics CRM case management tools help your agency increase its efficiency and reduce costs with streamlined processes and greater access to your critical data—all in one place.
- Centralized client records to remove the barriers to cross-agency collaboration. - Use automatic workflows to increase employee effectiveness. - Easily schedule follow-up appointments and use alerts for proactive notification. - Provide mobile access to constituent and case information, so workers in the field can be more productive.
Contact Center/311
Improve citizens’ ability to contact your agency—and your agency’s response time—with the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Contact Center/311 solution for call center, routing, and CRM integration. The faster your response, the greater value your agency can deliver to the communities you serve.
-Use electronic tools, such as interactive voice response (IVR) in combination with contact-center agents to speed issue resolution of phone inquiries. - Give knowledge workers the ability to work within Microsoft Office Outlook to review prior contacts and update records when responding to e-mail requests. - Take advantage of a reporting dashboard to sort and report incidents by contact type (Web, phone, or e-mail) or by case type, case severity, or other key data to help ensure timely service.
Constituent Management
Managing your constituents’ interactions with your organization is critical to your effectiveness. Because Microsoft Dynamics CRM looks and acts like an extension of Microsoft Office Outlook, your employees will find it easy to use, so they can respond quickly to citizen needs.
- Provide highly secure, role-based access to constituent data. - Give employees relevant constituent information from one, centralized location. - Track constituent inquiries and requests, regardless of channel. - Target key messages to specific audiences and within specific geographic areas. - Automate workflows to improve service. - Get powerful analysis and reporting tools to simplify the identification of needs and problems and proactively address them.
Field Inspection
Microsoft Dynamics CRM helps personnel work from almost anywhere with highly secure access to constituent data and case management capabilities. They can gather site information, including photography, and resolve issues quickly with a history of an individual’s agency interactions.
- Give field personnel the ability to track applications, licensing, permits, and other relevant data from remote sites. - Collect, compile, and organize data from the field or remote offices and then synchronize it with other organizational software. - Automate code enforcement at various levels of government. - Integrate with geographic information systems such as Microsoft Virtual Earth and ESRI to display case information on maps.
Funds Management
Federal, state, and local agencies and educational institutions can simplify funds management—from acquisition to expenditure—with the Microsoft Stimulus360 solution. By manipulating data from various sources in a highly secure environment, it’s easier to analyze the results of funded programs.
- Track key performance indicators (KPIs)—such as job creation by city, county, and state—as well as related metrics, to determine the effects of funding. - Visualize data in rich KPI dashboards and interactive maps. - Use pre-populated content including legislative and regulatory links, report templates, and newsfeeds. - Improve governance and transparency through automatic capture of actions in a workflow history.
Grants Management
Today, many government agencies find it challenging to manage the approval, distribution, and tracking of grants with fewer personnel and limited resources. With Microsoft Dynamics CRM, however, you can streamline your grant management tasks to stay on time and within budget.
- Set up a standardized, electronic system that simplifies grant processing and helps ensure compliance with legislative directives. - Easily process and track payments through transparent integration with your back-end financial systems. - Automatically send notifications for grant-application status changes to replace time-consuming manual processes. - Generate task lists automatically for each stage of the grant process. - Evaluate and track solicitations so that distributions are awarded to the most-deserving applicants. - Work from within Microsoft Office Outlook for ease of use and productivity.
Personnel Management
Because your employees put your organization’s mission into action, effective personnel management is vital to your success. Microsoft Dynamics CRM helps ensure that your staff have the training and support they need, and that your organization’s human resources are efficiently deployed.
- Manage personnel, mission, budgeting, acquisition, inventory, training, public affairs, cases, and multiple business applications. - Provide offline data access and mobility options that help employees stay up-to-date and keep projects moving even when they are away from the office. - Get powerful reporting and analysis tools that make it easy to manage cases and identify problems at a glance. - Create automated workflows for personnel processes to reduce administrative tasks. - Help secure your data with by defining levels of access to applications and data, based on job roles.
Task Management
Microsoft Dynamics CRM offers both a powerful and flexible way to manage tasks and processes. At a time when managing government operations is more complex than ever, Microsoft Dynamics CRM gives you the ability to manage diverse tasks with fewer resources in less time.
- Automate manual processes for such areas as logistics, personnel evaluations, information requests, and awards and decorations. - Give authorized personnel visibility into all data appropriate to their roles. - Maintain an easy-to-follow audit trail that demonstrates accountability from beginning to end. - Create consistent processes and quality standards to improve workflows. - Get advanced reporting metrics for deeper data analysis.
Correspondence Management
New economic stimulus programs are placing added pressures on government agencies to be more accountable and transparent in their actions. At the same time, these agencies are expected to be more efficient with smaller budgets and less resources. Customizable solutions built on Microsoft Dynamics CRM that address some of your most pressing needs will get you on the road to improved accountability, transparency, and efficiency in a hurry. Allowing your agency or department to get a 360 degree view of all the organizations and individuals with whom you connect is critical for governmental organizations.
- Keep track of addresses, activities and correspondence around contacts. - Use powerful search tools to quickly find the information you want. - Build Ad-hoc reports around your organizational activities. - Everything you need to manage relationships with those both inside and outside of your organization available in one secure place
Composite Case Study: CRM in Local Governments Microsoft Dynamics ERP Global Partner